Female Athlete: Ready for Impact and High-Intensity?

Female Athlete: Ready for Impact and High-Intensity?

Julie Wiebe, PT

Course Tools

Course Description:

The pelvic floor has long been understood as a component of the ‘core’. However, integrative solutions that make the pelvic floor relevant in sports medicine, orthopedic, fitness, and performance programming have been elusive. The high rates of incontinence amongst fit females demands that all rehab and fitness professionals who work with women adopt new rehab and training models that are inclusive of the pelvic floor. Transitioning women back to the intense demands of fitness requires new ideas that move us beyond Kegels-only programs.

In this 2.5 hr online course, the integrative concepts of the Diaphragm/Pelvic Floor Piston system are applied to forge a new solution, including practical and relevant strategies for professionals that work with women who want to be fit. A holistic, neuromuscular model is presented to train the system that controls the repetitive impact loading, high IAP demands, and proximal hip control needed in running, weight training, and sport. This integrative, system-based approach simultaneously addresses incontinence, orthopedic and performance issues. A case study of a female CrossFitter with sport related stress urinary incontinence and a complex orthopedic history will be presented to synthesize concepts and demonstrate clinical application.

**Consider bundling the Female Athlete Course with Foundations Module One to explore the evidence and foundation concepts in more depth. Add the Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness for individuals to learn simple step-by-step application and cues.


Women's Sports Medicine & Fitness


  • Foundations (Module 1)
  • Treating and Training the Female Runner (Module 1)
  • Female Athlete: Ready for Impact and High Intensity (Case Study)

Click here for all bundles

Course Objectives:

  1. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to discuss 3 unique challenges facing female athletes due to anatomical, physiologic, and neuromuscular variables
  2. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to identify 3 cultural beliefs and/or athletic mindset considerations that can impact female athlete decision making at the cost of both pelvic and musculoskeletal health.
  3. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to distinguish between 4 different types of demands placed on the stability system of a female CrossFitter.
  4. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to compare 3 treatment strategies that modify the demands of impact loading for a female athlete experiencing urinary leakage during fitness.
  5. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to discuss three pieces of evidence demonstrating the link between the central stability and pelvic health systems.
  6. By the end of this online course the participant will be able to describe the impact of pelvic health considerations on three different CrossFit demands: running, lifting and jump rope.
  7. By end of the online module, given a case scenario of a runner with hip pain and incontinence, the participant will independently propose a plan of care with at least 3 strategies to address pelvic health considerations

Course Audience: PT, PTA, AT, Kin.

This course is designed to equip professionals that work with women who want to be fit with the evidence, theoretical constructs and practical tools to provide a holistic, neuromuscular clinical model that trains the system that provides both continence and postural control during the variable demands of fitness. This integrative, system-based approach simultaneously addresses pelvic health, musculoskeletal and performance issues during the repetitive impact loading, high IAP demands, and proximal hip control issues in running, weight training, and sport. All participants should apply the information within their state/jurisdictional scope of practice.

The PT will gain the theoretical basis, clinical reasoning and practical tools for integrating a neuromuscular, systems-based approach to dynamic postural control that meets the variable demands of fitness from assessment to evidenced based treatment plan development integrating pelvic, musculoskeletal, and performance health concepts. Co-professional collaboration and referral will be stressed.

The PTA will gain insight to the theoretical basis for assessment process, and reasoning behind the POC designed by the therapist. Course participation and experience with specific cueing, exercise guidelines, progression parameters and treatment methods will insure continuity of care.

The Athletic Trainer/Kinesiologist (AT)/Kin will gain insight into theory, evidence and practical tools for integration of the POC into an athletes training program keeping pelvic and musculoskeletal health in mind.

Detailed Schedule PDF

Course Schedule:

Part One: (1:50)

  • Introduction to the interaction of pelvic, musculoskeletal and performance health for female athletes
  • Understanding your female athlete: Who?
  • Understanding the challenges they are facing: What?

Part Two: (1)

  • Understanding How to practically apply the concepts in Part One
  • In-depth exploration of a case study of a Female CrossFitter with a complex Orthopedic history and severe stress urinary incontinence.
  • Concepts applied to stability program, weight training form and strategy changes, and running form and strategy changes

I need a Certificate of Completion

Once all course modules are marked as complete you will receive a course completion certificate through Teachable. You must go through each module along with taking and getting a minimum score of 70% on the post-course test. There is also a module to complete post-course evaluation. We would appreciate you filling it out and value your feedback!  

Is the course eligible for CEU's?

*Julie Wiebe PT is a rule-approved provider of the Physical Therapy Board of California, a Recognized Approval Agency of the Physical Therapy Board of California, has approved the Diaphragm/Pelvic Floor Piston for Adult Populations (Piston Science Part One, Module 1) course in California for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants for 2 contact hours from. In addition to California, the blue states on this map are likely to accept courses approved by other state boards, pursuant to regulation. As regulations may change over time, please confirm current accuracy with your state board, eg. that they will accept courses approved by other state boards. If you have any questions about CEU approval for this course, please reach out to [email protected] with the course title.

CEU credit is not available for the other portions of this course. Individuals can apply for CEU credit retroactively through their state board after taking the course (if their state allows it). Contact your board for details about the process. If you do go this route we would greatly appreciate it if you circled back with us to let us know about the approval as it would be helpful to share with others!

Computer Compatibility Needs

This course is hosted on the teachable.com online streaming service designed to handle any system setup. So if you have a computer and an internet connection you should have access without issue. If you have issues with a slower bandwidth connection then you can change the video settings to a lower quality to help improve any loading issues.

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Your Instructor

Julie Wiebe, PT, DPT
Julie Wiebe, PT, DPT

Julie Wiebe, PT, DPT has over twenty-five years of clinical experience in Sports Medicine and Pelvic Health, specializing in abdominopelvic, pregnancy and postpartum health for fit and athletic populations. Her passion is to return active patients to fitness and sport after injury and pregnancy and equip professionals to do the same. She has pioneered an integrative approach to promote pelvic health in and through movement and fitness. These strategies have been successful incorporated by medical providers, rehab practitioners, and fitness professionals into a variety of populations (orthopedics, sports medicine, pelvic health, neurology, and pediatrics). Dr. Wiebe is a sought-after speaker delivering evidenced-based continuing education coursework, lectures, and curriculum at academic institutions, clinics, conferences, and professional organizations internationally. A published author, her research interests focus on the interplay of athleticism and pelvic health to inform screening tools and multifactorial intervention strategies. Julie provides direct cash-based care to fit and athletic populations through telehealth and her clinical practice.

Course Curriculum

  Ready for Impact - Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Have content or tech Questions? Want more info and conversation?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps: Course Completion Certificates and CEUs
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Can I share a course with a friend or colleague? How does the group discount work?
Each course purchase is for a single viewer only, and may not be shared. If you are interested in group/staff viewing, please contact admin at [email protected] to arrange a group discount code specifically for your group. The larger the group, the larger the discount. Each individual must purchase separately with the discount code, and agree to the terms and conditions (legal). This provides each participant with their own copy to review at their pace, in addition to the opportunity to interact with colleagues as you all work collectively through the material. Real time group online mentoring for Q and A is available with Julie to support your distance learning as you work through each module or after completing the course. Contact admin at [email protected] to set up a group discount and group mentoring.

This course is closed for enrollment.